2010, The First Lowry Lounge

Following the Bluecoat's celebration of Malcolm Lowry in 2009, a year later the Bluecoat worked with a group of Lowry enthusiasts to present an evening of activities called The Lowry Lounge.

29 October 2010

Staged at the Bluecoat, the Lounge programme included talks on aspects of Lowry including his musical interests and connections to Herman Melville; screening of TV documentary Rough Passage; launch of The Firminist periodical; and two features that would become fixtures of subsequent lounges, a Lowry-themed music mix and a mescal toast to the writer. Those involved - Bryan Biggs, Alisa Cox, Colin Dilnot, Mark Goodall, Robert Sheppard and Helen Tookey became the nucleus of 'The Firminists', a self-styled group that would organise the Lounge as an annual event in the Bluecoat calendar, staged each year around the time of the Mexican Day of the Dead.