Captain Beefheart Weekend: 'Doped in Stunned Mirages' poetry event
For Bluecoat's Captain Beefheart Weekend in November 2017 Chris McCabe, Head Librarian at the National Poetry Library, Southbank Centre, London, commissioned thirteen UK poets to write a new poem in response to a specific Beefheart album. These were presented live in a programme titled 'Doped in Stunned Mirages' and featured Patience Agbabi, Vahni Capildeo, Sarah Crewe, Patricia Farrell, Peter Finch (seen here), Libby Houston, Tom Jenks, Chris McCabe, Robert Sheppard, Zoë Skoulding, Helen Tookey, Matthew Smith and Jeff Young. The poems were also reproduced in 'Click Clack', a fanzine produced specially for this event with Jarg. The Weekend was organised by independent curator Kyle Percy, working with Chris McCabe and Bluecoat's Artistic Director, Bryan Biggs. Photo: John Johnson.