With Fire and Rage - EuroFestival

01 May - 14 May 2023

This immersive audio experience gave visitors of our garden a look into the lives of artists on the frontline in Ukraine. Part of EuroFestival.

With Fire and Rage was an immersive audio experience combining testimony with photography, visual art, poetry and music. Visitors used their smartphones to scan QR codes in our garden and explored the powerful role creativity plays in the face of invasion, as narratives range from music concerts in metro stations during air raids, to rescuing artworks out of cities as rockets fall.

There were different locations across the city, each telling a different story. In our garden visitors could experience the story of Sasha Osadcha from the Kharkiv School of Photography, who organised the smuggling of archives out of Kharkiv during rocket fire.

Created by Parade-Fest and Artists On The Frontline

Commissioned by Culture Liverpool