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Reading Group: for generations that are yet to be born

Join artist and Bluecoat Project Curator Katherine Ka Yi Liu 廖加怡 for a restorative online reading group.

This group is a safe platform for collective reading and sharing. It holds space for care and encourages the practice of reading together as a form of survival, resistance and healing under our current post-lockdown but still in pandemic condition.

In the first few sessions, the group will be focusing on exploring different chapters from All About Love: New Visions (Love Song to the Nation) (2000) by African-American scholar and activist bell hooks. Each chapter deconstructs and reframes our assumptions about “love” as a primarily romantic emotion and how love became a "cliché", instead it reconnects us to love that is redemptive, and healing; an understanding of love that in Covid times we need more than ever.

Join us regularly each month or drop in for one session. No need to complete the reading beforehand, there will be time to read each chapter at the beginning of the group and time for discussion after.


Monday 13 December 21 - all about love, chapter 11, Loss: Loving into life and death

Monday 10 January 22 - all about love, chapter 12, Healing: Redemptive Love

Monday 14 February 22- all about love, chapter 8, Community: Loving Communion

Monday 14 March 22 - all about love, chapter 4, Commitment: Let Love be Be Love in Me

About Katherine

Katherine Ka Yi Liu 廖加怡 was born in Los Angeles, California. Spending her childhood and early teens in Hong Kong, her practice and research bore witness to its political transformation from British colony to post-colonial state.

Her work lingers between conversations of self and collective healing, contemplates notions of the cultural, socio-political, socio-linguistic construction of diasporic identities, and confronts the politics of power, gender(s), and race with humour. With a BA in Fine Art, University of Brighton and MLitt, Fine Art Practice, Glasgow School of Art, she has exhibited in the UK and internationally. Previously based in Glasgow, she worked as an artist and independent curator including a curatorial commission for Glasgow International 2021; Intermedia Gallery, Centre for Contemporary Arts; six exhibitions at Transmission Gallery (2017-19).

Her talks and podcasts include Reorganising cultural organisations, Baltic, Newcastle and Catalyst 25 Year Symposium, Catalyst Arts, Belfast (both 2019).