Soloveiko Songbird was produced by Amigo & Amigo, Svitlana Reinish, Anton Dehtiarov, Black_Box and M3 Industries.

Soloveiko Songbird - EuroFestival

Visit our courtyard to see Soloveiko Songbird, a striking large-scale inflatable sculpture depicting a nightingale.


11:00am - 5:00pm


Mon 01 May - Sun 14 May 2023

The Ukrainian word for “nightingale” is a term of endearment, and the nightingale is an icon of Ukraine.

Soloveiko Songbird at the Bluecoat is one of 12 birds that visitors can see at locations around the city. Each sculpture is decorated with a different design, plays its own unique sound composition, and will be illuminated after dark.

This commission is part of EuroFestival.

Soloveiko Songbird is produced by Amigo & Amigo, Svitlana Reinish, Anton Dehtiarov, Black_Box and M3 Industries.