Suspended above the gallery in our exhibition Are You Messin’? is a brand new commission by Liverpool artist Millie Toyin Olateju. Usually working on 2D surfaces, this mobile, Float, is the first time the artist has taken her work off canvas. Millie’s practice is process led, achieved through a playful approach to colour and shape until the work starts to take form.
The mobile is made out of painted foam board and acetate shapes while retaining the signature style and shapes that characterise her flat paintings.

On the walls are more coloured decals, designed in harmony with the mobile. As a whole, the gallery is designed as a library and reading space, with carpeted floors, comfortable bean bags, and cushions in the window seats. There are several standing bookshelves with a wide range of books suitable for under 11s.

The space has been home to several storytelling sessions on Fridays throughout the summer holidays, hosted by The Story Box, Wild About Story and taster sessions of our popular Baby Book Club led by artist and educator Roger Hill.
Visit the Bluecoat and see the beautiful mobile in person, open Tue-Sun, 11am-5pm, until Sun 18 Sep. Free entry.